Monday, November 5, 2018

Scorpion Sight

November -- Echo
Conjunction of Sun; Mercury; Jupiter
Mercury in retrograde while Jupiter and Mercury transition from Evening Stars to Morning Stars.
Venus leaves retrograde reaches peak brightness.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Peak Brightnesses of Morning and Evening Stars of Venus

3 years from the peak brightness of The Morning Star of Venus will bring you to the peak brightness of The evening Star of Venus. Give or take a few days (still calculating).

Since there is an 8 year cycle from one peak brightness of an Evening Star to the next in that region of the year there will be an 3+8 pattern.

From one Morning Star's peak brightness 11 years later there will be an Evening Star peak brightness. Also approx 19, 27, 35 ,43 etc. years.

There is also an inverse phenomenon. From one Evening Star's peak - 5 years later will be a Morning Star's peak. As above there is also a 5, 13, 21, 29, 37, 45 etc. year pattern.

The more years passing however the further apart the effect will be as Venus moves retrograde though the year each time it peaks in that region.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Research for Autumn's Heart

November 14, 2006. The song of Autumn’s heart began. The dance of four stars sharing the same title. Antares : Venus : Vega : Sirius. Other important stars: Jupiter.
Jan 30 , 2007 : Venus - Vega set Evening

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Transit to the Underworld

Venus began to transit from being to the west of the Sun to the east of the Sun on June 2, 2016. Reaching mid-point on June 6th. This takes place directly behind the Sun in the area between Tien Kwan (Zeta Tauri) and Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri). The Morning to Evening transit takes place on the opposite side of the Sun from Earth so there is no retrograde motion.

It will emerge on June 11 completing a smooth 9 day journey. (more later)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Tide of Jupiter

The full moon of the day of Xing Tian the 8th (First day of Taurus - May, 21) approaches and Jupiter, forming a pentagram like Zosma - Jupiter -  Algieba - Denebola - Regulus (Leo),  begins to move toward Virgo to conjoin with Venus at Zavijava on August 27th.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Xing Tian

The first day of Xing Tian.

His body is Scorpio - Mars and Saturn are present this year. His battle axe is Ophiuchus and Serpens. Visible all night and at zenith during this season.

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Night of the Wanderers: Solomon's Vine (January 23rd & 24th 2016)

At sunset January 23rd 2016 - until January 24th 2016 -

1. Moon rises    - 17:00 (5:00 PM) - 1075
2. Jupiter rises  - 21:24 (9:36 PM) - 1350
3. Mars rises     - 01:24                - 0100
4. Saturn rises   - 04:12                - 0275
5. Venus rises    - 05:24                - 0350
6. Mercury rises - 06:12                - 0400
7. Sun rises       - 07:24                - 0475

Light from all 7 Wandering bodies will be distinctly visible distributed throughout the sky just before and as the sun rises.